PASTOR THEOPHILUS MARTINS He was a man with a benevolent heart and great passion for soul winning. There are great testimonies from multitude of voices across all churches over the world, communities, and societies, speaking of the humorous nature, good works, goodness, kindness, and gracious heart of Pastor Martins. 👉 A man who was strong, rich, and gave to many abundantly. 👉 A man who became weary, weak, and feeble yet gave so much generously. 👉 A man who laboured hard in the mission field: burnout, suffered from sickness, hunger, emptiness, dying, and even death—without anything to himself. Pastor Martin , the one I fondly called Pastor White, my only ""Oyibo Pastor'"", my Jaiye-Jaiye Daddy, my beloved senior brother, and a true friend in Christ. He gave all to the church and to the world, like Jesus, our Lord and master, the horn of our salvation, who became poor so that all would be rich. O, Lord, my concern Oh, my heart is in deep reflection. Food for thought on the principle of giving and receiving, which is eternal, the law of the Spirit, and life in Christ Jesus. 👉 Pastor Martins was a great man who knew and enjoyed so much the joy of giving. My question? 👉 Did he truly enjoy the joy of receiving as much as he gave in life and on earth? 🙏 Luke 6:38 [38] Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal, it shall be measured to you again. 🤏 My deep concern 💪🏻 I mean the blessings of replenishing, restoration, refreshing, and renewal that the tender heart; deep calls to the deep can only give in return. A kind and pleasant word, a gesture of appreciation, commendation, privileges, kindness, a cup of water, love, a holy kiss, the loving touch of the brethren, a warm hug, joy, and laughter. I had a dream twice, on the 10th and 17th of November, 2023, and a loud voice. Yes, I heard a voice. "The departed righteous one will always speak, leave a clue, and speak again after death." 🤏🏻 Pastor Martin appeared in a gathering with open hands to receive from His master the reward of stewardship with a heart of accountability. A loud voice:- "I will give an account of all my work and all work done to me. Yes. My account and record are open, and I can see all I gave to the world." 🎁, all I received 🎁 and all the things denied me 😀 My victory over all things and the last enemy called death. ✋✋✋✋✋✋ To all the true believers all over the world who made Pastor Martin enjoy on earth the joy of giving and also the blessings of receiving in good measure 🙏 Surely a great account is open unto you on earth and in heaven, of great reward in Jesus Christ name amen. From- Pastor Gloria & Temisan Omagbemi